Weekly Newsletters

Our School Newsletter is published about once a week. These are emailed to all our parents – please let us know if you are not receiving it.

Copies of of the most current and recent editions can be found below.

Newsletter Archive

04.10.24 - 04
27.09.24 - 03
20.09.24 - 02
13.09.24 - 01
19.07.24- 38
12.07.24- 37
05.07.24 - 36
28.06.24 - 35

Doodle Summer Challenge Parent Guide
21.06.24 - 34
14.06.24 - 33
07.06.24 - 32
24.05.24 - 31
17.05.24 - 30
10.05.24 - 29
03.05.24 - 28
26.04.24 - 27
19.04.24 - 26