School Council

Our School Council is made up from members elected by each year group. The School Council meets once a month to share their thoughts and suggest new ideas for our school.

Children can give their suggestions and concerns to their class representatives who will present them at the next meeting.

We want our School Council to give children opportunities to:

  • Be involved in making decisions to improve school life for everyone.
  • Work more closely with staff in developing a caring school community.
  • Be able to voice the opinions of people in our class.

In the last twelve months our School Council have:

  • Planned an assembly and then organised the BIG Pedal initiative to get children cycling/scooting to school in March. Long Meadow School was placed in the top 400 schools nationally.
  • Introduced green point certificates (every 50 points) to help further promote positive behaviour
  • Raised money for Children in Need by having non-school uniform days
  • Raised money for new RWI books
  • Worked with Mr. Gray on ‘no idling project’, to ensure travel is safe outside our school

Congratulations to the new Long Meadow School Council for the academic year 2024-2025.

School Councillors 24-25