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Ofsted Report
Long Meadow School was inspected in February 2024 where we were graded as continuing to be a GOOD school.
The letter from Ofsted can be found by clicking HERE
Our letter highlighted that:
- We are a school that has warm, trusting relationships between pupils and staff ensure that pupils feel safe and happy. Staff help pupils to talk about their feelings. This helps pupils to recognise if they feel anxious or unhappy, and to manage those feelings well.
- Pupils behave very well in and out of lessons. Playtimes are exciting as staff lead pupils in playground games. Pupils are kind to each other.
- Pupils’ outcomes are rising because the school has raised expectations of what pupils can achieve. Improvements to the curriculum and teaching are helping pupils to learn more and remember more over time.
- Leaders and staff have worked to design a broad, ambitious and well organised curriculum
- Senior leaders have inspired and empowered subject leaders to make sure the curriculum is taught well. Staff work collaboratively to ensure that everyone has strong knowledge about what they are teaching. Teachers pitch learning at just the right level for pupils.
- Pupils enjoy a range of trips and visits that increase understanding of the curriculum. In addition, pupils can engage in wider experiences that help to develop character. Bespoke extra help for the most vulnerable pupils, especially those with SEND, is extremely well planned to help pupils understand fundamental British values and to prepare them for life in modern Britain.
- The school has high expectations of pupils’ attendance.
- Staff feel very well supported. They say that leaders regularly take account of their workload and their well-being. Several staff said that the school is like a family. Leaders, including the governing body, know the school very well. They have an accurate view of its strengths and areas for further development. Many staff and parents told the inspector that they valued leaders’ caring approach, particularly during the pandemic.
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